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    Oceanwide Expeditions

    The Dutch ”Plancius Foundation“ (1981-1996) was the predecessor of Oceanwide Expeditions, the first cruise operator ever to organize since 1983 on a yearly basis expedition cruise voyages to and around Spitsbergen with the vessel Plancius. A passion was born and Oceanwide Expeditions continued with the activities of the Plancius Foundation in 1996. The organization has earned itself an outstanding reputation as a world leader in small expedition vessels off the beaten track offering adventure and wildlife experiences in the Arctic and Antarctic Polar regions. Oceanwide is passionate about polar expedition cruising and distinguishes itself from other operators not only by setting its emphasis on educational lectures by experienced guides throughout the voyage but also by delivering an active shore program. Expedition cruises are designed for those travelers who wish to discover destinations from the inside – taking the ‘paths less traveled’ to interact with and learn about nature, local cultures, rather than simply checking off touristic spots- and experiencing true wilderness settings in the world’s most remote and pristine locations. Oceanwide Expeditions is a Dutch vessel operator, organizing voyages that make it possible for passengers to enjoy the scenery and nature above and underwater in the world’s most unique areas. The regions we visit during these wildlife expeditions contain hardly any infrastructure and are almost only reachable by boat. Oceanwide Expeditions operates, so to speak, on the borderline of land and water, where daily guided excursions in small groups are organized. Our expertise in designing and managing the wildlife voyages allows us to offer quality tours in areas that will fascinate and amaze you time after time.

    Oceanwide Expeditions Flotte

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