Harmony V provides an ideal way to explore Cuba’s coast. The ship is fully air-conditioned. Part of the Sun Deck is enclosed, and serves as a venue for meals, talks and recaps. The Sun Deck also has an al fresco area with deck chairs for relaxing. The dining room has large windows and lets in ample light. There are full-service bars on the Sun Deck and in the lounge. There is a collection of books and films about Cuba. There are full facilities for presentations, films, and slide shows. Guests are welcome on the “Open Bridge” to meet the Captain and Officers and learn about navigation.
All meals are served in single seatings with unassigned tables, for an informal atmosphere and easy mingling. Some meals are served on the Sun Deck. The menu is international, with a focus on local specialties.
All cabins have windows, lower beds, and face outside. Each has private facilities, a hair dryer, individual climate controls, television, internal telephone, safe, and mini-fridge.
Expedition Equipment is available on every departure. Snorkeling equipment and “shorty” wetsuits are available.
The ship is equipped with stabilizers. Satellite Internet access is available on board. There is a doctor on all voyages
On every departure, both on shore and on board Harmony V, you’ll be in the company of our expert team, and you’ll meet local artists, musicians, naturalists, and more who are safeguarding Cuban traditions and shaping them for the future. All have knowledge they love to share and all have a spirited style of sharing it. Our ship, captain, crew and guides look forward to welcoming you aboard.
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