044 289 81 81Mo-Fr 9-18 Uhr







    First-class Nile Ship





    Our first-class Nile ships (5 Phoenixe, national category 5 star de Luxe) are particularly comfortable and first class. Specially selected and predominantly chartered exclusively by Phoenix Reisen, these ships are „tailored“ to our German-speaking guests, so that we can influence the organization and program, both on board and during the shore excursions. Equipment and service as well as the appealing design fully meet the high standards. Which ship is used on which days of the week depends on the booking volume and is decided by our local agency. Therefore, Phoenix groups with their German-speaking guide can take part in the turns between Luxor and Aswan together with an international audience. The ships have four to five decks and have an entrance hall with reception, souvenir shop, boutique and massage area, a large and tastefully furnished salon / lounge, a restaurant (one table time) and bars as well as a laundry service. On the well-tended, large sun deck with swimming pool, loungers and seating, you have the choice between sun and shade. Pool towels are available free of charge. The ships offer another bar or grill station on the sun deck. All ships are fully air-conditioned. WiFi at the landing stages in Luxor and Aswan (for a fee and subject to local availability). a restaurant (one table time) and bars as well as a laundry service. On the well-tended, large sun deck with swimming pool, loungers and seating, you have the choice between sun and shade. Pool towels are available free of charge. The ships offer another bar or grill station on the sun deck. All ships are fully air-conditioned. WiFi at the landing stages in Luxor and Aswan (for a fee and subject to local availability). a restaurant (one table time) and bars as well as a laundry service. On the well-tended, large sun deck with swimming pool, loungers and seating, you have the choice between sun and shade. Pool towels are available free of charge. The ships offer another bar or grill station on the sun deck. All ships are fully air-conditioned. WiFi at the landing stages in Luxor and Aswan (for a fee and subject to local availability).
    Welcome to our first-class Nile ships!


    Kabinenkategorie Deck Kabinenart
    Zweibett Zustellbett Aussen
    Zweibett Glückskabine Aussen
    Zweibett Aussen
    Zweibett Aussen
    Zweibett Aussen
    Zweibett Aussen
    Zweibett Superior mit Balkon Aussen
    Zweibett Deluxe mit Balkon Aussen
    Zweibett Suite mit französichem Balkon Aussen
    Zweibett Suite mit französichem Balkon Aussen
    Einzelkabine mit französischem Balkon Aussen
    Einzelkabine Aussen
    Einzelkabine Superior mit Balkon Aussen
    Zweibett Zustellbett Aussen
    Einzelkabine Aussen
    Alle Kabinen liegen außen und sind komfortabel und geschmackvoll eingerichtet mit kleinen Fenstern, die aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht zu öffnen sind. Ausstattung: Bad oder Dusche/WC, Föhn, SAT-TV, Kühlschrank, Schiffstelefon, Safe, Musikkanal, regulierbare Klimaanlage. Kabinengröße ca. 17-22 qm.
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