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    Highlights der Nord- und Ostseeküste 2


    Ihre Kreuzfahrt

    14 Nächte   AIDAdiva  



    Route Warnemünde - Kristiansand - Bergen - Vik - Eidfjord - Warnemünde - Riga - Helsinki - Tallinn - Stockholm Mehr

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    The seaside resort of Warnemünde, a district of the Hanseatic city of Rostock, was mentioned in a document as early as 1195. The name of the place is derived from the Warnow River, which flows into the Baltic Sea here. With its 150 m wide sandy beach, Warnemünde has the widest beach on the German Baltic Sea coast. At the same time, you can experience the flourishing life of the Baltic Sea metropolis and discover numerous sights before you get on your ship and set sail. Because Warnemünde cruises is, like Hamburg, a gateway to the world. With the AIDAmar and the AIDAdiva you can set off from here to exciting destinations: with Northern Europe cruises, for example to Scandinavia, the Baltic States or the British Isles. Transatlantic cruises also start or end here.

    At Sea

    The port of Kristiansand welcomes you in the south of Norway. For most visitors to the city, the port is the entrance gate, to this day they mostly arrive in Kristiansand by ship. On your cruise you will experience a lively, lively city that welcomes you with a lot of hospitality and wonderful sights. Once you have left your ship at the modern port, it is worth taking a stroll through the large port.


    Am majestätischen Byfjord gelegen, verzaubert die charmante Hafenstadt Bergen mit einer lebendigen Fischertradition und einer gemütlichen Altstadt. Dicht gedrängt, reihen sich bunte mittelalterliche Holzhäuser aneinander und geben der Stadt ihr ganz besonderes Flair. Genießen Sie auf Ihrer Nordeuropa-Kreuzfahrt das Zusammenspiel aus Natur und der lebendigen Kultur Norwegens. Erleben Sie einen entspannten Urlaub zwischen Tradition und Moderne und freuen Sie sich auf die spektakuläre Landschaft rund um die Bergen. Nehmen Sie sich bei Ihrem Ausflug auch die Zeit in einem der vielen gemütlichen Cafés eine der vielen Fischdelikatessen des Landes zu probieren.


    Vik is a municipality in Vestland county, Norway. It is located on the southern shore of the Sognefjorden in the traditional district of Sogn. The administrative center of Vik is the village of Vikøyri. Other villages in the municipality include Feios, Fresvik, Nese, and Vangsnes.


    Imposing rocks and peaks rise up to the left and right of the fjord in Norway. At the heights of Bergen, the Hardangerfjord cuts far into the country from the European Arctic Ocean until it ends in the eastern fjord arm Eidfjord in the village of the same name, Eidfjord. Steep rock faces alternate with the deep green of the forests and fruit trees. The deep blue fjord water glistens in the rays of the sun as your ship arrives in Eidfjord on your cruise. Around the small town, which with its 900 inhabitants looks sleepy, nature is wide awake and Norway is pristine. The often unspoilt landscapes and the Norwegian hospitality make the stopover on your cruise an unforgettable experience.

    At Sea

    The seaside resort of Warnemünde, a district of the Hanseatic city of Rostock, was mentioned in a document as early as 1195. The name of the place is derived from the Warnow River, which flows into the Baltic Sea here. With its 150 m wide sandy beach, Warnemünde has the widest beach on the German Baltic Sea coast. At the same time, you can experience the flourishing life of the Baltic Sea metropolis and discover numerous sights before you get on your ship and set sail. Because Warnemünde cruises is, like Hamburg, a gateway to the world. With the AIDAmar and the AIDAdiva you can set off from here to exciting destinations: with Northern Europe cruises, for example to Scandinavia, the Baltic States or the British Isles. Transatlantic cruises also start or end here.

    At Sea

    Riga, the capital of Latvia, is the largest city in the Baltic region with around 800,000 inhabitants. Located on the lower reaches of the Daugava River, Riga is a popular destination for a cruise in the Baltic Sea alongside Tallinn, St. Petersburg or Petersburg, Stockholm or Helsinki: its various nicknames, such as the metropolis of amber and Paris of the East, give an idea of ​​why. During a stroll through the charming city, visitors get an idea of ​​the former wealth of the Hanseatic city on the Baltic Sea. The very well-preserved and UNESCO-protected Riga center is strongly influenced by Art Nouveau. During a cruise you will also have the opportunity to learn about the rich culture of Latvia.


    Helsinki, Finland’s southern capital, sits on a peninsula in the Gulf of Finland. Its central avenue, Mannerheimintie, is flanked by institutions including the National Museum, tracing Finnish history from the Stone Age to the present. Also on Mannerheimintie are the imposing Parliament House and Kiasma, a contemporary art museum. Ornate red-brick Uspenski Cathedral overlooks a harbor.


    In der estnischen Metropole erleben Sie einen faszinierenden Mix aus gemütlichem Treiben in der Altstadt und einem aufstrebenden Lebensgefühl in der Neustadt. Die Esten verstehen es wie keine andere baltische Nation Geschichte und Zukunft auf ihre eigene Art zu kombinieren. Freuen Sie sich auf den mittelalterlichen Stadtkern der Hansestadt, der sie auf Ihrer Reise nach Tallinn in vergangene Zeiten entführen wird. Sie erleben die alte Stadtmauer, Teile der alten Burg Tallinns sowie vom oberen Teil der Stadt einen wunderbaren Ausblick über das Zentrum. Bestaunen Sie das Museum des Domnikanerklosters, das Tallinner Stadtmuseum und das Schloss auf dem Domberg.


    Before entering the port of Stockholm on a cruise through the Baltic Sea, your ship travels for several hours through the offshore archipelago. You should definitely experience this special experience on deck. The city has 14 islands that are shielded by the archipelago and countless islets from the open sea. So it is not surprising that Stockholm is also known as the “Venice of the North”. The Swedish capital is rich in sights and presents itself to visitors as a cosmopolitan and modern metropolis. Go ashore and capture the flair of the Nordic metropolis yourself.

    At Sea

    The seaside resort of Warnemünde, a district of the Hanseatic city of Rostock, was mentioned in a document as early as 1195. The name of the place is derived from the Warnow River, which flows into the Baltic Sea here. With its 150 m wide sandy beach, Warnemünde has the widest beach on the German Baltic Sea coast. At the same time, you can experience the flourishing life of the Baltic Sea metropolis and discover numerous sights before you get on your ship and set sail. Because Warnemünde cruises is, like Hamburg, a gateway to the world. With the AIDAmar and the AIDAdiva you can set off from here to exciting destinations: with Northern Europe cruises, for example to Scandinavia, the Baltic States or the British Isles. Transatlantic cruises also start or end here.

    Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

    Mit AIDAdiva erleben Sei eine neue Dimension individueller Seereisen. Im Theatrium genießen Sie fantastisches Entertainment, wann immer Sie möchten. in einer einzigartigen Erlebniswelt aus Theater, Bars und Marktplatz bieten wir Ihnen von früh bis spät die schönsten Anregungen für abwechslungsreiche Unterhaltung.

    Freuen Sie sich auch auf kulinarische Genüsse für jeden Geschmack und unsere neuen Restaurants: Weite Welt, Bella Vista, Pizzeria Mare und das Buffalo Steak House.

    Der größte schwimmende Wellness-Bereich der Welt und das riesige Sonnendeck mit drei Pools eröffnen Ihnen ebenfalls paradiesische Möglichkeiten. In unserem Body & Soul Spa können Sie sich beispielsweise in der exklusiven Wellness Suite verwöhnen lassen oder in der Zen Lounge fernöstlichen Entspannungsritualen nachgehen.


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    14 Nächte mit der AIDAdiva - - Abfahrt 03.05.2025

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