Route Siem Reap - Siem Reap - Siem Reap - Siem Reap - Mekong Cruise - Wat Hanchey - Kampong Cham - Angkor Ban - Silk Islands - Phnom Penh Mehr
Siem Reap, a resort town in northwestern Cambodia, is the gateway to the ruins of Angkor, the seat of the Khmer kingdom from the 9th–15th centuries. Angkor’s vast complex of intricate stone buildings includes preserved Angkor Wat, the main temple, which is pictured on Cambodia’s flag. Giant, mysterious faces are carved into the Bayon Temple at Angkor Thom.
Siem Reap, a resort town in northwestern Cambodia, is the gateway to the ruins of Angkor, the seat of the Khmer kingdom from the 9th–15th centuries. Angkor’s vast complex of intricate stone buildings includes preserved Angkor Wat, the main temple, which is pictured on Cambodia’s flag. Giant, mysterious faces are carved into the Bayon Temple at Angkor Thom.
Siem Reap, a resort town in northwestern Cambodia, is the gateway to the ruins of Angkor, the seat of the Khmer kingdom from the 9th–15th centuries. Angkor’s vast complex of intricate stone buildings includes preserved Angkor Wat, the main temple, which is pictured on Cambodia’s flag. Giant, mysterious faces are carved into the Bayon Temple at Angkor Thom.
Siem Reap, a resort town in northwestern Cambodia, is the gateway to the ruins of Angkor, the seat of the Khmer kingdom from the 9th–15th centuries. Angkor’s vast complex of intricate stone buildings includes preserved Angkor Wat, the main temple, which is pictured on Cambodia’s flag. Giant, mysterious faces are carved into the Bayon Temple at Angkor Thom.
Wat Hanchey
Kampong Cham is a city on the Mekong River in southeastern Cambodia. Its known for its French colonial buildings. To the south, Koh Pen Island is reached via a long bamboo bridge. Just beyond town is Wat Nokor Bachey, where a modern pagoda is built on the site of an Angkorian temple. The hills of Phnom Pros and Phnom Srei have temples at the top. Farther north, Prasat Hanchey has pagodas and Mekong River views.
Angkor Ban is a khum of Sampov Loun District in Battambang Province in north-western Cambodia.
Silk Islands
Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s busy capital, sits at the junction of the Mekong and Tonlé Sap rivers. It was a hub for both the Khmer Empire and French colonialists. On its walkable riverfront, lined with parks, restaurants and bars, are the ornate Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda and the National Museum, displaying artifacts from around the country. At the city’s heart is the massive, art deco Central Market.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s busy capital, sits at the junction of the Mekong and Tonlé Sap rivers. It was a hub for both the Khmer Empire and French colonialists. On its walkable riverfront, lined with parks, restaurants and bars, are the ornate Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda and the National Museum, displaying artifacts from around the country. At the city’s heart is the massive, art deco Central Market.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s busy capital, sits at the junction of the Mekong and Tonlé Sap rivers. It was a hub for both the Khmer Empire and French colonialists. On its walkable riverfront, lined with parks, restaurants and bars, are the ornate Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda and the National Museum, displaying artifacts from around the country. At the city’s heart is the massive, art deco Central Market.
Tân Châu is a town of An Giang Province in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam. As of 2009 the town had a population of 184,129. The town covers an area of 175.68 km². It is famous for Tân Châu silk with the famous product Lãnh Mỹ A, whose black colour comes from the Diospyros molliss fruit.
Tân Châu is a town of An Giang Province in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam. As of 2009 the town had a population of 184,129. The town covers an area of 175.68 km². It is famous for Tân Châu silk with the famous product Lãnh Mỹ A, whose black colour comes from the Diospyros molliss fruit.
Sa Đéc is a Provincial city in Đồng Tháp Province in the Mekong Delta of southern Vietnam. It is a river port and agricultural and industrial trading center. The Sa Đéc economic zone consists of Châu Thành, Lai Vung and Lấp Vò districts. As of January 2018, the city has a population of approximately 202,046.
Cái Bè is a river-land mixed town in Vietnam. It is a rural district of Tiền Giang Province in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam. Along the river, there are docks that handle passengers and goods, and the floating market.
Ho Chi Minh City, commonly known by its previous name, Saigon, is the largest and most populous city in Vietnam. According to the 2019 census, Ho Chi Minh City has a population of over 8.9 million within the city proper and over 21 million within its metropolitan area.
Ho Chi Minh City, commonly known by its previous name, Saigon, is the largest and most populous city in Vietnam. According to the 2019 census, Ho Chi Minh City has a population of over 8.9 million within the city proper and over 21 million within its metropolitan area.
Ho Chi Minh City, commonly known by its previous name, Saigon, is the largest and most populous city in Vietnam. According to the 2019 census, Ho Chi Minh City has a population of over 8.9 million within the city proper and over 21 million within its metropolitan area.
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12 Nächte mit der Scenic Spirit - - Abfahrt 25.01.2025
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