Kiel is a port city on Germany’s Baltic Sea coast. In the old town, the rebuilt, medieval St. Nikolai Church hosts classical concerts. Holstenstrasse and Dänische Strasse are streets lined with shops. Along the Kiel Fjord, the Maritime Museum displays model ships and nautical instruments in a former fish auction hall. Cruise ships dock at the Ostseekai Terminal in Germania Harbor.
Tallinn, Estonia’s capital on the Baltic Sea, is the country’s cultural hub. It retains its walled, cobblestoned Old Town, home to cafes and shops, as well as Kiek in de Kök, a 15th-century defensive tower. Its Gothic Town Hall, built in the 13th century and with a 64m-high tower, sits in historic Tallinn’s main square. St. Nicholas Church is a 13th-century landmark exhibiting ecclesiastical art.
Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, encompasses 14 islands and more than 50 bridges on an extensive Baltic Sea archipelago. The cobblestone streets and ochre-colored buildings of Gamla Stan (the old town) are home to the 13th-century Storkyrkan Cathedral, the Kungliga Slottet Royal Palace and the Nobel Museum, which focuses on the Nobel Prize. Ferries and sightseeing boats shuttle passengers between the islands.
Gotlands Hauptstadt ist eine der wunderschönsten Städte Skandinaviens. Schon im Mittelalter war Visby einer der wichtigsten Handelsplätze der Hanse. Erkunden Sie das malerische historische Zentrum oder bewundern Sie im Museum Gotlands Fornsal die Silberfunde aus der Wikingerzeit. Naturliebhaber lassen sich vom Charme unberührter Steilküsten und blühender Orchideenwiesen begeistern. Kinder freuen sich über das Originalgebäude der Villa Kunterbunt aus den Pippi-Langstrumpf-Filmen.
Kiel is a port city on Germany’s Baltic Sea coast. In the old town, the rebuilt, medieval St. Nikolai Church hosts classical concerts. Holstenstrasse and Dänische Strasse are streets lined with shops. Along the Kiel Fjord, the Maritime Museum displays model ships and nautical instruments in a former fish auction hall. Cruise ships dock at the Ostseekai Terminal in Germania Harbor.
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