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Japan & North Pacific Crossing Collector


Ihre Kreuzfahrt

14 Nächte   Noordam  



Route Yokohama (Tokyo) - Shimizu, Japan - Kobe, Japan - Kochi, Japan - Hiroshima, Japan - Panoramakreuzfahrt - Sokcho, Südkorea - Sakaiminato, Japan - Tsuruga - Yokohama (Tokyo) Mehr


Yokohama (Tokyo)

Until the mid-19th century, Japan lived in isolation, closed off from the rest of the world, and Yokohama was a mere fishing village. But in 1853, American naval officer Matthew Perry demanded the country open to foreign trade, and Yokohama was changed forever. The city quickly emerged as an international trading center, and while today it is often overshadowed by nearby Tokyo, it continues to be one of Japan’s liveliest, and most international, destinations. With its microbreweries and international restaurants, Yokohama has a decidedly different feel from many other Japanese cities. From Yokohama, it’s a quick trip to peaceful Kamakura, home to Daibutsu, Japan’s second-largest bronze Buddha, and to the important Shinto shrine Tsurugaoka Hachimangu. Head to Hakone National Park on a clear day and you’ll be rewarded with picture-postcard views of majestic Mt. Fuji. Tokyo is the largest city on earth and packed with some of the world’s best shops, museums and restaurants, big and small. While the bright neon lights and the bustle of contemporary Tokyo may be what comes to mind when you think of the city, there is another side. Tokyo’s historic gardens and neighborhoods of traditional homes on narrow lanes speak to a timeless Japan that has survived into the 21st century.

Shimizu, Japan

Shimizu, eine lebendige Hafenstadt, ist am besten für ihre unfassbare landschaftliche Schönheit bekannt. Unternehmen Sie einen Ausflug nach Miho no Matsubara und genießen Sie die atemberaubenden Ausblicke auf den Berg Fuji und die weitläufigen schwarzen Sandstrände; spazieren Sie durch die eleganten Gärten und einzigartigen Kunstinstallationen des Tokachi Millennium Waldes; und statten Sie dem Kongofukuji Tempel einen Besuch ab, der zuerst im Jahre 822 von Kobo-daishi erbaut und im Jahre 1662 wiedererrichtet wurde.

Kobe, Japan

Diese kosmopolitische Hafenstadt ist für mehr als nur ihr weltberühmtes Koberind bekannt. Erkunden Sie die Boutiquen und Märkte der Viertel Motomashi und Kokashita, entdecken Sie das Fashion Museum oder machen Sie sich auf zur Akashi Kaikyo Brücke – der längsten Hängebrücke der Welt. Im Kitano Distrikt können Sie die stattlichen viktorianischen und gotischen Gebäude, die im westlichen Stil erbaut wurden, bestaunen oder eine Glas Sake von einem der berühmten Weingüter Kobes genießen.

Kochi, Japan

High atop a hill in Kochi sits 17th-century Kochi Castle, once the seat of the Yamauchi lords. Explore this historic site and enjoy panoramic views of the city, then dine on sushi at Hirome Market.

Hiroshima, Japan

Located in the southwest of Japan, Hiroshima, the main city of the Chugoku region, is set within a striking natural landscape of mountains, sea and rivers. Home to more than one million inhabitants, it’s famous as the site of the explosion of the world’s first atomic bomb, dropped by the U.S. in August 1945. This cataclysm is sensitively documented at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and associated Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. The city offers visitors a great deal more than the tragedy of the recent past. In addition to the memorials to the events of World War II, there are an array of shrines and temples, as well as the city’s reconstructed castle, which was originally founded in the 16th century.Nature lovers will be charmed by the historic Shukkei-en Garden, commissioned in 1620, and Miyajima island, one of the most scenic spots in Japan. The city is home to a number of art institutions, including the Hiroshima Museum of Art, which houses a collection of Impressionist and Japanese oil paintings, the Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art and the quirky Mazda Museum. There is also an array of excellent restaurants and bars—the city is known for its okonomiyaki, a type of savory pancake—as well as a popular oyster festival each year.

Sokcho, Südkorea
Sakaiminato, Japan

Sakaiminato is home to Shigeru Mizuki, creator of GeGeGe no Kitaro (a character who’s everywhere in contemporary Japan), and gateway to the ancient region of Honshu, site of the famous “Black Castle.”


This sleepy little port city is home to the intimate Kehi Shrine, with its red-lacquered Torii gate and koi pond. Learn about the fascinating history of the town at the Tsuruga Museum. Dine on grilled seafood like a local at Nihonkai Sakana Machi.

Yokohama (Tokyo)

Until the mid-19th century, Japan lived in isolation, closed off from the rest of the world, and Yokohama was a mere fishing village. But in 1853, American naval officer Matthew Perry demanded the country open to foreign trade, and Yokohama was changed forever. The city quickly emerged as an international trading center, and while today it is often overshadowed by nearby Tokyo, it continues to be one of Japan’s liveliest, and most international, destinations. With its microbreweries and international restaurants, Yokohama has a decidedly different feel from many other Japanese cities. From Yokohama, it’s a quick trip to peaceful Kamakura, home to Daibutsu, Japan’s second-largest bronze Buddha, and to the important Shinto shrine Tsurugaoka Hachimangu. Head to Hakone National Park on a clear day and you’ll be rewarded with picture-postcard views of majestic Mt. Fuji. Tokyo is the largest city on earth and packed with some of the world’s best shops, museums and restaurants, big and small. While the bright neon lights and the bustle of contemporary Tokyo may be what comes to mind when you think of the city, there is another side. Tokyo’s historic gardens and neighborhoods of traditional homes on narrow lanes speak to a timeless Japan that has survived into the 21st century.

Erholung auf See
Hakodate, Japan

Vom lebendigen Morgenmarkt in Asa-ichi bis hin zu den unvergleichlichen Ausblicken, die der Mount Hakodate für Sie bereit hält, können Sie die Geschichte dieses ersten Hafen Japans erkunden, der für den internationalen Handel geöffnet wurde. Unternehmen Sie einen Spaziergang durch die Ruinen der sternförmigen Festung Goryokaku, der ersten ihrer Art in ganz Japan. Erfahren Sie mehr über die regionale Kultur der Ainu oder genießen Sie einfach die große Auswahl an Meeresfrüchten und Fisch, für die die Stadt bekannt ist.

Miyako, Japan

Set against a ruggedly beautiful coastline, Miyako is home to Jodogahama Beach, a picturesque pebble beach with rock outcroppings. Go for a swim then stop at Miyako Fish Market for a tasty lunch.

Erholung auf See
Yokohama (Tokyo)

Until the mid-19th century, Japan lived in isolation, closed off from the rest of the world, and Yokohama was a mere fishing village. But in 1853, American naval officer Matthew Perry demanded the country open to foreign trade, and Yokohama was changed forever. The city quickly emerged as an international trading center, and while today it is often overshadowed by nearby Tokyo, it continues to be one of Japan’s liveliest, and most international, destinations. With its microbreweries and international restaurants, Yokohama has a decidedly different feel from many other Japanese cities. From Yokohama, it’s a quick trip to peaceful Kamakura, home to Daibutsu, Japan’s second-largest bronze Buddha, and to the important Shinto shrine Tsurugaoka Hachimangu. Head to Hakone National Park on a clear day and you’ll be rewarded with picture-postcard views of majestic Mt. Fuji. Tokyo is the largest city on earth and packed with some of the world’s best shops, museums and restaurants, big and small. While the bright neon lights and the bustle of contemporary Tokyo may be what comes to mind when you think of the city, there is another side. Tokyo’s historic gardens and neighborhoods of traditional homes on narrow lanes speak to a timeless Japan that has survived into the 21st century.

Die Noordam ist nach der nördlichen Himmelsrichtung benannt. Sie beherbergt Kunstwerke in Museumsqualität wie Ölgemälde aus dem 19. Jahrhundert und zeitgenössische Fotografien der Musikgrößen Dizzy Gillespie und B.B. King. Gäste an Bord können im Rahmen des kulinarischen Erlebnisses EXC Port to Table regionale Kochvorführungen und Verkostungen von Speisen und Weinen genießen. Entdecken Sie mit BBC Earth Experiences die Wunder der Welt. Besuchen Sie Yoga- oder Pilates-Kurse in unserem Fitnesscenter. Genießen Sie die Klänge von Music Walk™ und die Köstlichkeiten unserer Spezialitätenrestaurants.

Explorations Café
Lido Bar
Lido informelles Restaurant
Lounge Bar
Piano Bar
Sports Bar
Sports Bar
Die Veranda
Vista Speisesaal

Glashaus-Spa & Salon
Lido Pool
Thermal Suite

Club HAL
Das Loft

Explorers Lounge
Neptune Lounge
Queen’s Show Lounge

Zentrum für kulinarische Künste
Reservierungen & Verkauf künftiger Kreuzfahrten
Büro für Landausflüge



14 Nächte mit der Noordam - - Abfahrt 13.04.2025

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