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Indonesia Discovery


Ihre Kreuzfahrt

14 Nächte   Noordam  



Route Singapur - Erholung auf See - Erholung auf See - Surabaya - Probolinggo, Java, Indonesien - Celukan Bawang, Bali - Benoa (Denpasar), Bali - Komodo, Indonesien - Lembar, Lombok, Indonesien - Erholung auf See Mehr



City-states are rare in the present day—and none are quite like Singapore. In the 20th century, the Southeast Asian nation hurtled itself into the modern world, and it continues to expand its state-of-the-art transportation system and build its edgy skyline. Yet Singapore’s urban plan wisely maintained its intimate neighborhoods, many with streets lined with colorful shophouses (a type of building unique to parts of Asia, with businesses located on their ground floors and residences above). Add the city’s mix of ethnic groups—mainly Malays, Chinese and Indians—and you get a vibrant cultural scene that attracts a cosmopolitan, international community. Singapore’s food scene—which is arguably the world’s most dynamic and runs the gamut from beloved street hawkers to Michelin-starred venues—would merit a trip alone, as would its never-ending shopping options. But the city is also packed with world-class museums, many designed by celebrated architects, and it hosts many major international events, such as the Formula One Grand Prix. Yet only about half of the 720-square-kilometer (278-square-mile) island is developed, which leaves plenty of room for parks and open spaces such as the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, where an old-growth forest still thrives.

Erholung auf See
Erholung auf See

Indonesia’s second-largest city and Java’s capital, Surabaya is known as the City of Heroes thanks to the important role it played in capturing international attention during the country’s revolution in the 1940s. And that independent spirit is still palpable among the metropolis’s internationally diverse population of nearly three million people. Surabaya is home to Indonesia’s only synagogue as well as the largest mosque in East Java. And colonial-era buildings sit just a short stroll from glitzy new shopping centers. Visitors have much to experience, whether taking in the extensive artifacts in the Museum Mpu Tantular, seeing where Indonesia’s clove cigarettes got their beginnings at the House of Sampoerna or venturing into the city’s green lung with a boat ride through the mangrove forests of Wonorejo. You’ll feel transported to a Middle Eastern bazaar at the Pasar Ampel, where the vendors hawk spices, sticky sweet dates and imported carpets. And a visit to Kenjeran Beach, right in the city, offers the chance to spot fishermen showcasing their fresh catch or take in views of one of Indonesia’s longest bridges. Obviously, deciding where to spend your time will be your main conundrum in Surabaya.

Probolinggo, Java, Indonesien

Probolinggo is a pretty port town on the north coast of East Java that’s home to the ethnic minority Tengger people. The city garners mainly tourist attention as a jumping-off point for visiting Mount Bromo. One of Indonesia’s most spectacular volcanoes, Bromo is best viewed at sunrise but makes a strong impression any time of the day. While the top has blown off, the 2,329-meter-high (7,641-foot) peak contains a cone that’s still active. And views of the surrounding volcanoes from here are just as thrilling. If you opt to stick around Probolinggo, a town of roughly 217,000 people, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. There are none of the stifling crowds and pollution of Jakarta here. A pedicab tour is a fun way to get around to see the city’s Chinese temple, pleasant city square, churches and museum. But the main sites are just as easily visited on foot. There are beautiful beaches, temples, waterfalls and bamboo forests to see in and around Probolinggo. And just seven kilometers (four miles) from town at Bentar Indah Beach, you can go for a swim or stroll along the white sand. Before leaving, shop for a typical batik from the region to take home as a souvenir.

Celukan Bawang, Bali

Celukan Bawang liegt an der Nordküste von Bali und ist das Tor zu wunderschönen weißen und schwarzen Sandstränden, zu Korallenriffen, die sich ideal zum Schnorcheln eignen, und zum Hindu-Buddhistischen Tempelkomplex Pura Ulun Danu Bratan.

Benoa (Denpasar), Bali

Indonesia is made up of more than 13,000 islands, but even with all that competition, Bali manages to stand out. Beautiful temples and shrines of all sizes are spread across the island, tucked down narrow alleyways, hidden within the jungle or serenely presiding over scenic locations, like the dramatic Pura Tanah Lot atop a rock formation just off Bali’s western coast.

Bali is well known for its arts—traditional music and dance, painting, wood and stone carvings, silver jewelry and ikat and batik textiles. The island’s artistic center is the village of Ubud, and its art markets and boutiques carry beautiful Balinese pieces to take home.

When it comes to dining, whether you’re craving a burrito or satay, you can find a restaurant that serves it. Don’t leave the island, however, without sampling Balinese cuisine. Local cooking, which reflects Chinese and Indian influences, uses blends of aromatic spices to season grilled meats (though not beef—Bali is an island of Hindu culture in mostly Muslim Indonesia), fresh seafood, rice and vegetables with delicious results.

Komodo, Indonesien

Die Insel Komodo, eine von 17,000 Inseln, die zusammen die Republik Indonesien bilden, ist vor allem für seinen berühmten Bewohner, den Komodowaran, bekannt. Diese Überbleibsel der einst weit verbreiteten uralten Spezies der Warane werden bis zu 3,5 Meter lang und wiegen bis zu 140 kg. Die Insel Komodo ist vulkanischen Ursprungs und kann sich mit dramatischen Landschaften voller zerklüfteter Berge, tiefer Schluchten, Savannen und Regenwälder schmücken. Beispiele für Landausflüge: Komodo Island Trek.

Lembar, Lombok, Indonesien

Lembar, ein Urlaubsziel abseits ausgetretener Touristenpfade, liegt auf der Insel Lombok, etwas östlich von Bali. Lombok, das sich mit einer ruhigen Art, wunderschönen Stränden, bezaubernden Wasserfällen und dem Mount Rinjani, dem zweithöchsten Vulkan Indonesiens, schmücken kann, hält ruhige Tage inmitten atemberaubender Schönheit für Sie bereit. Entdecken Sie Tanjung Aan nahe dem Kuta Beach, wo der Sand wie Pfeffer aussieht; gehen Sie einkaufen und suchen Sie in den kleinen Dörfern der Insel nach regionalem Kunsthandwerk und Webearbeiten; und trinken Sie im Narmada Park vom Jungbrunnen. Beispiele für Landausflüge: Mataram Highlights, das Eingeborenendorf Sasak & Kuta Beach.

Erholung auf See
Semarang, Indonesien

Reisen Sie in der Altstadt Semerangs in die kolonialen Zeiten der Niederländischen Ostindien-Kompanie zurück. Oder unternehmen Sie einen Ausflug zum Borobudur Tempel, wo zehn massive Steinterrassen, wovon jede eine andere Ebene der Erleuchtung repräsentiert, von der Großen Stupa überragt werden. Beispiele für Landausflüge: Semarang Stadttour; Borobudur.

Tanjung Priok

Tanjung Priok ist Ihr Tor nach Jakarta, die exotische Hauptstadt Indonesiens und gleichzeitig größte Stadt des Landes. Statten Sie dem indonesischen Nationalmuseum einen Besuch ab, wo sechzehn Jahrhunderte an Landesgeschichte dargestellt werden; erkunden Sie die Kultur Indonesiens im Taman Mini Indonesia Indah; spazieren Sie durch die Straßen der Altstadt und erfahren Sie mehr über die holländische Kolonialarchitektur; nehmen Sie an einer Führung durch die Masjid Istiqlal (die Unabhängigkeitsmoschee) teil, die größte Moschee Südostasiens; und gehen Sie in einem der exzellenten Einkaufszentren der Stadt auf Schatzjagd.

Erholung auf See

City-states are rare in the present day—and none are quite like Singapore. In the 20th century, the Southeast Asian nation hurtled itself into the modern world, and it continues to expand its state-of-the-art transportation system and build its edgy skyline. Yet Singapore’s urban plan wisely maintained its intimate neighborhoods, many with streets lined with colorful shophouses (a type of building unique to parts of Asia, with businesses located on their ground floors and residences above). Add the city’s mix of ethnic groups—mainly Malays, Chinese and Indians—and you get a vibrant cultural scene that attracts a cosmopolitan, international community. Singapore’s food scene—which is arguably the world’s most dynamic and runs the gamut from beloved street hawkers to Michelin-starred venues—would merit a trip alone, as would its never-ending shopping options. But the city is also packed with world-class museums, many designed by celebrated architects, and it hosts many major international events, such as the Formula One Grand Prix. Yet only about half of the 720-square-kilometer (278-square-mile) island is developed, which leaves plenty of room for parks and open spaces such as the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, where an old-growth forest still thrives.

Die Noordam ist nach der nördlichen Himmelsrichtung benannt. Sie beherbergt Kunstwerke in Museumsqualität wie Ölgemälde aus dem 19. Jahrhundert und zeitgenössische Fotografien der Musikgrößen Dizzy Gillespie und B.B. King. Gäste an Bord können im Rahmen des kulinarischen Erlebnisses EXC Port to Table regionale Kochvorführungen und Verkostungen von Speisen und Weinen genießen. Entdecken Sie mit BBC Earth Experiences die Wunder der Welt. Besuchen Sie Yoga- oder Pilates-Kurse in unserem Fitnesscenter. Genießen Sie die Klänge von Music Walk™ und die Köstlichkeiten unserer Spezialitätenrestaurants.

Explorations Café
Lido Bar
Lido informelles Restaurant
Lounge Bar
Piano Bar
Sports Bar
Sports Bar
Die Veranda
Vista Speisesaal

Glashaus-Spa & Salon
Lido Pool
Thermal Suite

Club HAL
Das Loft

Explorers Lounge
Neptune Lounge
Queen’s Show Lounge

Zentrum für kulinarische Künste
Reservierungen & Verkauf künftiger Kreuzfahrten
Büro für Landausflüge



14 Nächte mit der Noordam - - Abfahrt 08.12.2024

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