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Iceland, Greenland & the Complete Svalbard Experie

Seabourn Venture

Ihre Kreuzfahrt

20 Nächte   Seabourn Venture  



Route Longyearbyen, Norwegen - The Svalbard Experience - The Svalbard Experience - The Svalbard Experience - The Svalbard Experience - The Svalbard Experience - The Svalbard Experience - The Svalbard Experience - Longyearbyen, Norwegen - The Svalbard Experience Mehr


Longyearbyen, Norwegen

Longyearbyen, the seat of the Governor of Svalbard, is located in a narrow valley along the shores of Adventfjorden a small tributary of Isfjord, the largest fjord system in Svalbard. It extends 100 kilometers (60 miles) into the island of Spitsbergen. Nine large tidewater glaciers, with a combined ice-front of 21 kilometers (13 miles), as well as dozens hanging glaciers drain into the fjord. The town’s 2,100 inhabitants exist in one of the most northern settlements on Earth, making their living by a combination of coal mining, education and tourism. Because of the town’s extreme isolation, proximity to wildlife, and Svalbard’s pristine environment, unique laws exist that are found in few other places. All individuals venturing outside of town are required to carry a rifle for protection against polar bears, possessing a cat is illegal, no one is allowed to be buried here and how much alcohol can be purchased each month is restricted. Longyearbyen was named after the American industrialist John Longyear whose Arctic Coal Company began mining here in 1906.

The Svalbard Experience
The Svalbard Experience
The Svalbard Experience
The Svalbard Experience
The Svalbard Experience
The Svalbard Experience
The Svalbard Experience
Longyearbyen, Norwegen

Longyearbyen, the seat of the Governor of Svalbard, is located in a narrow valley along the shores of Adventfjorden a small tributary of Isfjord, the largest fjord system in Svalbard. It extends 100 kilometers (60 miles) into the island of Spitsbergen. Nine large tidewater glaciers, with a combined ice-front of 21 kilometers (13 miles), as well as dozens hanging glaciers drain into the fjord. The town’s 2,100 inhabitants exist in one of the most northern settlements on Earth, making their living by a combination of coal mining, education and tourism. Because of the town’s extreme isolation, proximity to wildlife, and Svalbard’s pristine environment, unique laws exist that are found in few other places. All individuals venturing outside of town are required to carry a rifle for protection against polar bears, possessing a cat is illegal, no one is allowed to be buried here and how much alcohol can be purchased each month is restricted. Longyearbyen was named after the American industrialist John Longyear whose Arctic Coal Company began mining here in 1906.

The Svalbard Experience
The Svalbard Experience
The Svalbard Experience
The Svalbard Experience
The Svalbard Experience
Auf See
East Greenland Experience
Jan Mayen

Remote and isolated, Jan Mayen is dominated by 2,277 meter (7,470’) high Beerenberg Volcano and its large ice cap. The island has two parts: larger northeast Nord-Jan and smaller southwest Sør-Jan, linked by a 2.5 kilometer (1.6 mile) wide isthmus. The League of Nations gave jurisdiction of Jan Mayen to the Kingdom of Norway in 1921. Except for being used as a meteorological, radio and navigation aid for shipping in the Atlantic, the island has remained untouched, its only inhabitants are 18 military personnel. In 2010 Jan Mayen was declared a nature reserve for the protection of its wildlife and is recognized as one of the most important breeding sites for over 250,000 seabirds in the North Atlantic. It supports large colonies of northern fulmars, little auks and thick-billed guillemots. Polar bears found here are genetically distinguishable from those found elsewhere. Although ‘officially’ discovered by the Dutch whaling captain Fopp Gerritsz in 1614, it may have been sighted by exploring Irish monks as early as A.D. 400.

Auf See
Akureyri, Iceland

Akureyri is the second largest urban area in Iceland with a population of around 18,000. Nicknamed ‘The Capital of the North,’ it is situated at the head of Eyjafjörður, the longest fjord in Iceland, only 62 miles (100 km) from the Arctic Circle. Surrounded by snow-streaked mountains, the Akureyri hills flourish in summer with a profusion of arctic wildflowers. Mt. Kerling is the highest peak visible from town, at 5,064’ (1,538 m). Often cloudy, with a mild climate, Akureyri has much less precipitation than its southern counterpart Reykjavik. It is a cultured city, with a university, numerous galleries, museums, art exhibitions, and live theater performances. Nearby Hrísey Island is a spectacularly beautiful and peaceful island often called ‘The Pearl of Eyjafjörður,’ with an atmosphere of calm and settled tranquility. Numerous Atlantic puffins fly overhead, and the occasional whale is seen traversing the fjord.

Flatey Island, Iceland
Reykjavik, Island

Denkt man an den die Insel passierenden wärmenden Golfstrom, die heißen Quellen und die Vulkane, dann gelangt man zu der Erkenntnis, dass Island (engl. Iceland) einen etwas unpassenden Namen trägt. Die Insel weist drei riesige Gletschergebiete auf, sie verfügt über keine nennenswerten Mengen an Bodenschätzen und die Vegetation ist eher karg. Dennoch hält sich die Legende, dass die Nordmänner potenzielle andere Siedler in die Irre führen wollten, indem sie dem lebensfeindlichen und unbewohnbaren Grönland einen wohlklingenden Namen gaben, während sie Island mit dem guten Siedlerland einen möglichst abschreckenden Namen gaben. Irische Mönche und Einsiedler, die im 8. Jahrhundert die ersten Siedler auf der Insel waren, mussten sie bei der Ankunft der Nordmänner schon ein Jahrhundert später wieder verlassen. Das Althing ist das im Jahre 930 gegründete Parlament Islands und damit das älteste Parlament mit Generalversammlung in ganz Europa. Bis zum heutigen Tag ist das Althing der Ort, wo die isländischen Gesetze beschlossen werden. Nur in der Zeit vom Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts, als die Dänen das Parlament aufgelöst hatten, bis 1843, als es zum ersten Mal wieder zusammentrat, wurde es nicht als zentrales Versammlungsgebäude Islands genutzt. Dort, wo heute Reykjavik steht, hat sich im Jahre 874 als erster Siedler Ingolf Arnarson niedergelassen. Heute wohnt in der Stadt mehr als die Hälfte aller Inselbewohner. Stolz betont die nördlichste Hauptstadt der Welt, dass es so etwas wie Luftverschmutzung hier nicht gibt. Sowohl der elektrische Strom als auch die Heizungswärme werden aus der geothermischen Aktivität der Insel gewonnen. Das große „Schwimmbecken“ der Stadt ist immer beheizt. Sogar Südfrüchte wie Bananen und Trauben können hier mithilfe der Wärme aus den unterirdischen heißen Quellen in Glashäusern wunderbar gedeihen.


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20 Nächte mit der Seabourn Venture - - Abfahrt 29.05.2025

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